Tuesday, January 31, 2012
DfR at PERM Meeting in Arlington, VA: February 2
Monday, January 30, 2012
Record Attendance at DfR's "Modeling and Simulation in Electronic Packaging" Course
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Walt Tomczykowski Re-Elected Vice Chair of GIDEP Industry Advisory Group
Friday, January 27, 2012
DfR and ISD Italia Partner on Sherlock
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) - The Secret to Good Design (Part 2)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
DfR Solutions asked to give keynote at DSO National Laboratories Reliability Seminar
Sunday, January 22, 2012
REACH Moves Forward
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added twenty (20) more materials to the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). While none of the materials tend to be present in electronics, companies must stay abreast of these changes and be aware of their legal obligations. For more information or guidance, please contact Craig Hillman.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Cleanliness - the DfR Way
Way overdue, IPC-5704 requires the use of ion chromatography (IC) to identify the amount and type of contamination present in printed boards. The document also sets a limit for each contaminant, providing clear pass/fail criterion. It is good to see an industry standard in line with best practices championed by DfR Solutions. DfR performs IC testing routinely for our customers and can help you assure the cleanliness of your electronics. For more information, contact Seth Binfield.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
DfR's Survey of the Month: Conformal Coating
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
DfR Solutions Presenting at RAMS 2012 Conference in Reno, NV: Jan 23-26
Thursday, January 12, 2012
February 7th IPC AHOT Designers Council Meeting
"Architecting the PCB", Presented by Wayne Pulliam
Successful construction of any complex structure requires planning. The more detailed the planning the better chance the final product will be as expected. Join me in discussing the process of planning a PCB.
Speaker Bio
Wayne Pulliam has been at Advanced Micro Devices for 15 years. In his position as PCB Interconnect Architect, he "floor plans" printed circuit boards for future microprocessor products and advises on current printed circuit board designs. Wayne also controls the pin-outs on all microprocessors and related product to ensure that they are design friendly and cost effective. A PCB designer for 21 years Wayne's background also includes drafting and electrical experience. Several years as an electronics repair technician and several more doing sheet metal case design before entering the field of printed circuit board design. Wayne is a member of the PCB Designer Conference Top Gun Hall of Fame.
Pizza and drinks will be provided: RSVP to Linda at 512-259-2465, or email <mailto:linda@kutzsales.com>
Location: Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
12515-7 Research Boulevard, Ste 250
Austin, Texas 78759
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
DfR Solutions at 2012 SMTA Houston Expo
Please join us for our 2012 Houston SMTA Expo & Tech Forum at the Stafford Centre, 10505 Cash Road, Stafford, Texas 77477. Come see what the industry has to offer in new products and services with over 60 tabletop exhibitors. The Expo will be held in Ballroom A through C and the Tech Forum will be held in Room 104 and 105. Free lunch catered by the Black Eyed Pea.
Abstract: The design of flexible circuits presents a challenge to those who are primarily familiar with rigid boards. This presentation discusses the construction of six basic types of flex and rigid flex circuits and the properties of the materials that they are made from. Flex circuits have special layout rules due to the fact that they will be bent in the application, and because the material properties create unique challenges in assembly. The major differences between flex and rigid board layouts will be discussed, as well as a short primer on design for impedance control in flex circuits.
Speaker: Steve Kelly is the President and founder of PFC Flexible Circuits Limited in Toronto, Ontario. He has been involved in the design and manufacture of flex and rigid flex circuits for 28 years. Steve holds a Bachelor’s degree from McMaster University and an MBA from the University of Western Ontario.
Abstract: A long-time need for high temperature solders has existed in many industries including industrial controls, aerospace, and oil exploration. Basic material requirements have typically been ease of assembly, resistance to creep, low cost, and more recently Pb-free. Now may be the perfect time to rethink some of these past approaches. This presentation will review traditional approaches and some variations, then expand into some of the many alternative methodologies that are in recent use as well as those under development or being evaluated.
Speaker: Cheryl Tulkoff is an industry renowned expert in the fields of semiconductor fabrication, electronics assembly, RoHS conversion, and reliability engineering and management. At her most recent position at National Instruments, Cheryl developed a comprehensive reliability organization, including the creation of an internal failure analysis group and a closed loop reliability program. She has also taken the lead in process development and implementation in semiconductor fabrication through her work at Cypress Semiconductor in electronics assembly, and through her work at IBM. Cheryl is the head of DfR’s newest office located in Austin, Texas, which opened in February 2009.
Abstract: Over the past few years, the test philosophy has changed from ICT (in-circuit testing) to flying probe testing due to the cost of fixturing and required engineering resources. This presentation will review the history of automated test systems, how far technology has advanced the capabilities of flying probe testing and how to develop a test strategy to ensure best overall test coverage and throughput.
Speaker: John Oaf is Applications Manager for the Takaya Group at Texmac, Inc. He has over 24 years experience in production testing at GenRad, Inc. and Teradyne, Inc.
2012 Show Schedule
10 a.m. Expo open to attendees
11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Technical Presentation
Topic: Flex Circuit Design for Reliability
Speaker: Steve Kelly, PFC Flexible Circuits
11:45 a.m. Door prize drawing
12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. – Free Lunch
12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Random Drawings for Gift Certificates and Special Mid-Day Prize
(must be present to win)
1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Technical Presentation
Topic : Advances & Challenges in High Temperature Component Attachment
Speaker: Cheryl Tulkoff, DfR Solutions, LLC
1:45 p.m. Door prize drawing
2:00pm-2:45pm Technical Presentation
Topic: How Flying Probers Optimize Test Strategy
Speaker: John Oaf, TEXMAC Inc.
2:45 p.m. Door prize drawing
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. - Random Drawings for Gift Certificates and Special Afternoon Prize (must be present to win) 3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Drawings for Bingo Prize (need not be present to win)
Drawing for Free Booth for 2013 (exhibitors only) 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Networking Reception - Beverages and Snacks - no charge
We look forward to seeing you at the Expo on February 9! Please register on-line or call the SMTA at (952)920-7682. For exhibitors, we have extended the early-bird rate until January 31.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Free Texas ESDA Event: Future Trends Presentation "Clouds in the Forecast?
RSVP to: rayb1721@yahoo.com