Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Randy Schueller recently gave a presentation entitled "Physics of Failure: Electronics Reliability Assurance Modeling"
to the Minnesota Reliability Consortium. His presentation describes how DfR's SherlockAutomated Design Analysis™ Tool is a cost effective way to assess the
reliability of a product during the design phase. For more information, contact
Randy Schueller.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hey Dude - Someone Cratered my Pad!
Pad cratering, the cracking of laminate during a dynamic mechanical event such
as ICT testing, has become increasingly prevalent with the use of Pb-free
solders and migration to larger components. Cheryl Tulkoff, a recognized
industry expert, recently provided comprehensive training on this topic to a
sold out web-based audience. If you would like the course (a portion provided here) presented to your organization,
please contact Cheryl Tulkoff.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
DfR Solutions' Jim McLeish at Applied Reliability Symposium in New Orleans, LA: June 13-15
Jim McLeish
will present "The Transition from MTTF Reliability Predictions into
Physics of Failure Reliability Assessments" at the 2012 Applied Reliability Symposium, North America.
For more information, contact Jim McLeish
or stop by the DfR booth.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Free CTEA Electronics Symposium to be held on Wed. June 13th at 2 pm
Central Texas Electronics Association
Electronics Symposium Hosted
by Cerium Labs
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
In Spansion Auditorium, 5301 E. Oltorf past Memory Lane
2:00 - Registration Begins
2:30 - Welcome and
2:35 - “Cerium Labs
Story: From AMD Until Now,” Tim Hossain, Chief Scientist, Cerium
3:05 - “Transmission Electron
Microscopy Overview,” Lynette Ballast, Ops Director, Cerium Labs
3:35 - “Physics of
Failure,” Cheryl Tulkoff, Senior Member of Technical Staff,
DfR Solutions
4:05 - Break & Networking
4:20 - “Practical Applications
for the DCM 3D,”
Bill Henderson, Metrology
Specialist, Leica Microsystems
4:50 - “Oxide Thickness
Measurement and Solderability Methodology to Determine Long Term
Storage Compatibility of BGAs and QFPs,”
Hegde, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Freescale Semiconductor
5:20 - “Materials Imaging
Techniques,” Bob Cowden, Imaging Specialist, Leica
5:50 - Preview of System Demos
and Sample Evaluations Event, Mark Sekulich, McBain Systems
6:00 - Food & Refreshments
Served and More Networking
There is no charge for this event as is being sponsored by Cerium Labs
& McBain Systems
Event Location:
Hosted by Cerium Labs in Spansion Auditorium at
5301 East Oltorf St, Austin, Texas
(Enter parking lots off Oltorf just past Memory
Lane or just past Alvin Devane)
See Map at: ( Map to Cerium Labs )
Note: Check your email for info on the companion Demo & Evals Event at Cerium on 6/14.
In Central Texas, SMTA and IMAPS work together as the Central Texas Electronics Association (CTEA)
Friday, May 25, 2012
DfR in Chicago, Il June 5th and June 6th
Cheryl Tulkoff will be visiting companies in Chicago area on June 5th and 6th and is available to discuss DfR, component packaging, DFM, Root-Cause Analysis, Product Qualification Testing and Pb-free reliability. If you and your associates are interested in an onsite visit and/or presentation, please contact Cheryl.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Through Silicon Vias (TSV)
3D packaging is upon us, at least that is the prevalent view based on recent announcements. However, reliability of a key element in this technology, through silicon vias (TSVs), has not always been fully addressed. In his highly opportune presentation entitled "Predicting the Reliability of ZeroLevel TSVs," Greg Caswell reviews the latest knowledge on TSV failure mechanisms and how they can influence device performance. For more information or to learn how to work with DfR on incorporating this technology into your product, contact Greg Caswell.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The Showdown at the 'Coating Corral'
Don't miss a technical session for the ages. On November 14th at the
IPC/SMTA Coating and Cleanliness Conference in Chicago, DfR Solutions has gotten (put together) all of the companies at the leading edge of nanocoating technology. These heavyweights include Ross Technology, Semblant, P2I, GVD, and HzO. Watch in awe as they throw down the gauntlet to see whose technology deserves to be called 'Best of the Best'. For more information, contact Craig Hillman.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Solar Power - To Infinity and Beyond!
What do you have when you combine temperatures above 100C, temperature swings as much as 60C, 25 year lifetimes, and failure rates lower than a piece of glass? A solar microinverter. While it is revolutionizing solar power, the requirements are challenging for reliability prediction and assurance. In this insightful presentation, Cheryl Tulkoff and Randy Schueller provide a roadmap for meeting customer expectations for microinverter or any other electronics that need to perform in a challenging environment. For more information, contact Cheryl or Randy.
Monday, May 21, 2012
DfR Solutions Wins 2nd Editor's Choice Product Award
DfR Received its 2nd Editor's Choice Product award in less than six months, this time from Military Embedded Systems Magazine. The official announcement will be in the April/May edition. DfR is very proud to have received this recognition for our advanced reliability analysis software. For more information on Sherlock and what makes it so unique, contact Nathan Blattau.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
TX ESD ASSOC Presentations Static Mgmt Program & Stds Update
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For more information regarding Texas ESD Association activities, please go to the following
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, at 3pm
RSVP today
On Tuesday, May 22, 2012, at 3pm the Texas ESD Association will be hosting two one hour presentations (one directly following the other) in Austin, a 1.) Static Management Program and 2.) an ESD standards update. Presentation will be at the 3M Innovation Center located at 6801 River Place Blvd in Austin Texas, 78726. See our Web site for directions.
Static Management Program - 3M is proud to announce the release of our new Static Management Program, which is designed to improve product quality and production yields for customers requiring high reliability in the electronics manufacturing industry. This unique program offers a full complement of product, software and service solutions, powered by technical expertise of 3M staff and the company's proprietary technologies. The 3M Static Monitoring Program software allows for 24/7 real-time, remote monitoring of the customer's production areas which also enables data logging and trend analysis so companies can know their products are properly protected, and their EOS/ESD environments are safe from any threats. Presenter is Mike Glass, SE Regional Sales Manager for the 3M Corporation.
ESD Standards Update - The ESD Association Standards development organization has had a very busy past 24 months and is in the process of updating numerous standards related documents. Many documents are in the industry review process right now so this is an opportunity to have some critical input if there are any identified issues that may affect your company. A short review of the main changes that are proposed in each of the major documents will be provided and discussed. Presenter is Dave Swenson, President of Affinity Static Control Consulting, LLC.
RSVP - no charge for attending however we do ask you to reply to this email and RSVP with your name, company, phone and email for badging and planning purposes. Your information is not given outside the Texas ESD Association except to 3M security to make badges.
Your 2012 Texas ESD Association Board of Directors
Ray Bowman - President / Webmaster
Ginger Hansel, Dangelmayer Associates L.L.C. - V.P. Education
Jason Jowers, Velocity Electronics - V.P. Membership
David Swenson, Affinity Static Control Consulting, LLC - Treasurer / National Liaison
Gary Sutorius, Stanley Consultants - Secretary
Frank Rodriguez, 3M Corp., - Member at Large
Jeff Salisbury, FLEXTRONICS, Member at Large
Ginger Hansel, Dangelmayer Associates L.L.C. - V.P. Education
Jason Jowers, Velocity Electronics - V.P. Membership
David Swenson, Affinity Static Control Consulting, LLC - Treasurer / National Liaison
Gary Sutorius, Stanley Consultants - Secretary
Frank Rodriguez, 3M Corp., - Member at Large
Jeff Salisbury, FLEXTRONICS, Member at Large
Fred Bahrenburg, Dell Inc., Member at Large
Bob Renker, Temple College/Retired TI - Board Advisor
Gilbert Koss, Retired 3M - Board Advisor
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